samedi 15 mars 2008

Day 3 : Winchester, Salisbury, Stonehenge

Another day in England, and I didn't see any drop of rain (it's so strange...). We were at 8:30 am (35, 40... maybe a little bit late :D) and we went at Winchester ! We visited the Castle Great Hall where we could see the Round table (on a wall...) !

Then, we went to Salisbury, and visited this medieval city.

Salisbury's Gothic Cathedral

Then, we went to Stonehenge, but before we ate in front the entrance, in the wind... my sandwich wasn't good and we were frozen (I gave my sandwich to the ravens...).
Stonehenge is a beautiful place, and I found a lot of friends during the visit :

And we came back to Frooooome, like every day, but this time it was the woman who cooked us something... and it was SO BAAAAD (there I understood the reputation of English people...)...

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